Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tuscany may not have the spectacular beauty of the Alps, but it sure is pretty. And the roads are just as much fun. I made my way down to Monte Argentario, an island connected to the west coast by 3 spits of land. I can't imagine the Riviera is any more beautiful. Funny, but the only place the road got near the water was at the port, and that wasn't conducive to swimming. hmmm. While enjoying spaghetti with mixed seafood, I watched a nice Alfa pull up and park right smack dab in the middle of a red and white pedestrian crossing. 3 guys got out and walked away. They were gone for perhaps 15-20 minutes, during which 2 traffic cops walked around the car and talked to other drivers, but didn't cite the parked car. Another car knocked over 3 scooters, causing some damage, but nobody seemed to care. Life is different here.

 After Argentenio, I headed up to Livornio to catch the ferry. I needed a rest day, so I'll take the ferry Sunday morning.

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