Friday, May 14, 2010

Thia was a short ride - a loop over the fantastic Penser Joch. It was freakin' cold! 2214 meters high, with snow all around. A gazillion bikers were out on a fine day. Some local riders may think it's all in a days ride, but everybody up there was giddy about being so high and so cold.

Here's a vid of the start of the ride down:
It's too bad the vid of the ride up had condensation on the lens. It was much twistier and more fun.
FWIW, I'm not sure how many more vids I'll post. It just takes too long to edit & post. I'll still take them and try to put them up when i have a lot more time.

I'd been asking about live music in Bolzano, and most I talked to were not too upbeat. I was to the point of saying I don't care if it's a single guitar, a duet of tubas, or a full orchestra, I just wanted to hear live music. Well, wandering around town after a delicious asparagus pizza with a 1/2 carafe of local red wine, I heard noises. I walked around a corner in the old town walking district, and there it was - a full 60+ piece south Tyrolean orchestra, warming up. Complete with lederhosen, felt hats with feathers, and big buxom blondes in traditional Tyrolean dresses, they struck up a good old march, with two tubas in the back doing the oompahs. Yeah, magic.


  1. So just a suggestion, the still pics are great, post more if you do less video. Also, when doing video if you see something interesting, take a moment to stop and look around or look at it while the video camera is still filming. Great Blog and it looks like you are having lots of fun!

  2. superb
    keep uploading those vids/shots
    need a detail trip report
    once you've stopped having fun
    of course


  3. Vid looks cold! You have to wonder about black ice when you see that much snow and water with shadowy curves everywhere! I suppose you'd see a pile of crashed bikers up ahead if it was real bad. Have fun--not much to report from San Diego.
