Thursday, July 1, 2010

Santiago to A Coruna

OK, I'll have to come back and fill this in because I don't have enough time to write it all, but suffice it to say - it was another great day!
The rest of 6-29… 1st Catholic mass I've ever attended (& that will take a book in itself), Muros as a vacation spot - (hell, the whole coast from Muros north is my idea of a perfect vacation spot), Ancoradoiro surfspot/camping, idyllic picnic of bread,cheese,jam,apple,water overlooking Fisterra & Corcubion, Praia de Trabo experience, A Coruna – Paco and the Friends of Muse., horreos, lack of music except “On the Street Where You Live” in church by a guy who doesn't speak English but can sing incredibly well.  Clues You’re on the Right Track photo piece.

I know, dropping hints like that is bad practice, but it'll have to do for now. I gotta go see Fiorella. ;-)

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