Thursday, July 1, 2010

Santiago de Campostela

6-29-10 Had a nice morning coffee yesterday with Bonnie, a school nurse from Turlock. She just did the pilgrimage to Santiago de Campostela. She started in France and walked more than 120 miles in stages. She says the trail often goes through wilderness, which I find amazing and refreshing, considering how long people have been doing it, and how long merchants have been setting up shop along the trail. She pointed me to the Seminario Menor, the Pilgrim’s Hostel, which is where I’m typing this. 200 beds, mostly in huge dorms, but I paid a few extra Euros (17) for a private room.  Spartan, but very nice. It reminds me of the New Camaldoli Hermitage on the Central California coast, especially considering the route I took to get here. I skirted the coast of Northern Spain, and in many places it looks very similar to central California. The rocky outcroppings with so many pocket beaches reminded me of Carmel. It’s more densely populated, though. There are communities all along the fjords, and the only real wilderness is on the exposed coastline, but it still beautiful. I’m off to see the cathedral now. Bonnie says they swing a giant incense burner during mass.  By giant, she meant it hangs from the ceiling of the cathedral and is massive. I wonder what they burn – myrrh, perhaps?

The Seminario:

 The Cathedral:

Looking toward Fisterra:

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