Monday, July 5, 2010

A Great Meal!

Intoxicated, yes. I will not use that profanity that was posted a while back to describe my condition now. Intoxicated is a far better description. It has the air of captivation by beauty, by wonder and awe. And it only took 3 glasses with 3 different courses of food. It started with a white Entre Deux Mers that was very nice. Soft on the palate, but interesting, too. It went with a cheese salad. Little chunks of a variety of cheeses on a bed of lettuce with a dressing and spices. I have no idea what it all was, but it was delicious. Since I am in the city of Bordeaux, I had to drink a glass of the local specialty, so the 2nd course started with a glass of red Bordeaux wine. The entree was a bowl of salmon and potato chunks, drenched in young Gouda cheese, with some herbs and spices thrown in. Wow. Superb. Then the capper - a glass of cognac and desert. Desert was a creme similar to a creme brulee, but this wasn't burned. It came with a topping of whipped cream and a little glass of liquid caramel sauce on the side. Holy moly. I'm feeling soooooo good right now. Life definitely is better when the sustenance that gets you through the day is truly delicious.  I am so glad to be back in France. ;-)
Oh, by the way, the restaurant is named Baud & Millet. It specializes in great cheese dishes, and it's across the street from my hotel, so you don't have to worry about how I got back to my room without crashing. OTOH, the neighborhood is so dodgy, you have to ring a bell for them to let you in. (I say "them", but the  only person I saw was Olivia, the waitress/maitre'/busboy. She, btw, was born in Brittany, spent 10 years in Montreal, and studied food service before moving to Bordeaux.)

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