Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Genova

I think I'll try to film a walk around the old city today. It reminds me of Middle Eastern cities, the way the streets turn into alleys and tiny paths. They call it Porto Antico, as in ancient. Cobblestone walkways under 5 and 6 story buildings with wooden-shuttered windows. Tiny balconies with iron railings where laundry hangs to dry. It's a tourist area, but it's still a working port with lots of immigrants. You hear Arabic, some African languages, and Eastern European languages. There are groups of men who obviously aren't tourists just hanging around, perhaps waiting for their ship to sail. At night, there are times it seems like a scene from The Third Man, just the place for a Graham Greene adventure.

The 2 guys in orange work at a fruit and veggie shop in the old city.
This is at the entrance to the old city. These swat team guys did NOT want their picture taken. Beats me why not. There are surveillance cameras everywhere in Genova. I was being filmed by 3 that I saw when I took this pic. See the post above the van.
When I left Genova, I went up into the hills above the city. I met this older cyclist. (There are TONS of cyclists EVERYWHERE.) He pointed out that the point below us is the northernmost point of the Mediterranean Sea.

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